Fruit and vegetable diet plan - how to start a diet?

How to start a fruit and vegetable diet?

The way to restore and maintain proper functioning of the body is a therapeutic, cleansing organism, fruit and vegetable diet. Many years of research and observation have confirmed that fruit and vegetables have the most beneficial effect on the regulation of life functions and cleansing the human body.

What is the fruit and vegetable diet?

The fruit and vegetable diet, also called fruit and vegetable fasting, is a tribute to nature. Drawing from its benefits you can effectively get rid of many diseases and diseases and maintain proper body weight.

So how does a fruit and vegetable diet work?

It consists in limiting the consumed products only to vegetables and fruits, i.e. weaning meat and all highly processed foods. As a result of the fact that the body receives, during fasting, a limited amount of food, it enters the internal feeding mode, i.e. "eating" its own reserves. The result of this process is:
  • removal of toxins and damaged cells from the body,
  • disposal of excess water,
  • reduction of unnecessary fat tissue.
Due to the restrictive and therapeutic nature of the cleansing fruit and vegetable diet, it is carried out in certified centres under the supervision of specialists, who prepare menus in accordance with the diet guidelines. This type of holidays with a cleansing diet are recommended for people suffering from such diseases as obesity, hypertension, allergies, atherosclerosis, high cholesterol level or degenerative diseases.

What to eat during a fruit and vegetable diet?

Selected fruits and vegetables are the basis of the fruit and vegetable diet menu. We choose the low-energy ones, i.e. those with a limited amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. During the cleansing diet, we compose meals containing vegetables that are poor in nutrients:
  • root foods such as carrots, celery, parsley, beetroot, horseradish,
  • cabbage - cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage,
  • onions - onion, garlic, leek,
  • leafy - lettuce, herbs,
  • cucumbers, pumpkin, cabbage,
  • tomatoes, peppers,
Fruits that have a positive effect on the reduction of deposits and thus on the reduction of body weight, which we introduce to the menu include apples, grapefruits and lemons. Processing vegetables and fruits before consumption is also important. In order to preserve their health values, it is best to eat them in the form of salads, juices, stews, soups prepared without fat.

What to avoid during a fruit and vegetable diet?

Diet will be effective when we put aside meat and highly processed products such as flour, sugar, refined and hardened oils or coffee. We also categorically refrain from eating cereals, nuts, potatoes, legumes, bread, oil and sweet fruits. Due to their high energy value, they would lead to the discontinuation of internal nutrition - the process of burning fat tissue and degraded tissues would be inhibited.


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