1500 calorie meal plan for weight loss

1500 calorie meal plan

When we see that we have an unadulterated fold on our belly and the weight stubbornly shows a few kilos too much - we begin to look for a diet. The best one, on which we quickly lose weight back to our former weight.

Unfortunately, most of the proposed "fast" diets are simply unhealthy, as they limit the intake of not only fattening, but also essential ingredients. Against their background, the 1500 kcal diet looks very good - it helps to lose weight, but also to maintain health.

Why is the 1500 calorie?

Let's start from the fact that our calorific needs depend not only on age, but above all on physical activity.

It is our normal activity that determines 20-50% of the daily calorific demand.

The rest of them are essential for the basic functions of the body: breathing, heartbeat, metabolic processes, etc. The most important ones are: breathing, heartbeat, metabolic processes.

Average calorie demand:


age: 21 - 59 years
low activity 2100 - 2300 kcal
average activity 2400 - 2800 kcal
high activity 2900 - 3200 kcal


age: 21 - 64 years
low activity 2400 - 2600 kcal
average activity 2700 - 3400 kcal
high activity 3500 - 4500 kcal

As you can see, 1500 kcal does not meet all our daily energy needs. Therefore, the body will have to make use of those already accumulated, mainly in the form of fat, stocks - thanks to which we will be quite slow, but systematically and, what is importantly, healthy to lose weight.

Diet 1500 calorie - and health

The main advantage of this diet is the ability to eat properly during its duration - and provide your body with all the nutrients it needs for efficient operation. This is a feature which most of the "fast diets" do not have, and which is very important, if not only in terms of weight, but also in terms of condition.

Thanks to the fact that we eat healthily all the time - the 1500 kcal diet can be used even for several weeks. We will lose weight quite slowly, from 0.5 to 2 kg per week - the important thing is that we will not be sweetened, so after the end of the diet we will not "throw ourselves" on our normal food. This minimizes yoyo effect.

Rules for the application of the 1500 calorie diet

The 1500 kcal diet does not have any specific, agreed diet, but only a set of rules for composing meals.

We do not have to stick rigidly to these 1500 kcal - just as well during the day we can eat 1200 kcal as well as 1550 kcal. If the average goes below 1500, then everything is in the best order.

It is important to change certain eating habits:

eat five meals a day without starving, but don't drink 1.5-2l of water a day, provide all the necessary ingredients, eat at least one warm meal during the day instead of frying - simmer, cook (normally or steamed) we never eat in a hurry, carefully chew every bite used diet supports activity.

It would be a good thing if these habits were to stay intact, even after the end of our diet - it is to a large extent these habits that contribute to weight gain.

Principles of composing meals with a diet 1500 calorie

Breakfast - about 500 kcal - should contain cereal products rich in fibre (e. g. dark bakery products, cereal or oat flakes) and dairy products (yoghurt, kephir, cheese). The fruit should be selected as an additive.

The second breakfast - about 200 kcal - of dark bread and protein products, plus vegetables with a low starch content (tomato, cucumber, leafy vegetables). For drinking water or fresh juices, avoid fizzy drinks.

Lunch - about 400 kcal - protein products (e. g. fish, lean meat, poultry - without pancakes) and carbohydrates in the form of rice, groats or potatoes. It is obligatory to add a certain amount of vegetables, raw or cooked.

The afternoon snack - about 100 kcal - can be slightly rolled up and eaten e. g. whole-grained cake, a little dark chocolate or dried. In this way, we will not have the impression that "we are not allowed to do anything" during a diet.

Dinner - about 200 kcal - should not be eaten more than 2 hours before bedtime. It should be easily digestible - e. g. made from lean meat with vegetables. Salads, such as chicken and vegetable salads, work well.

You also have to move!

At the end, remember: no diet "in itself" will give us such a good effect as its combination with physical activity. They don't have to be competitive sports right away (and they are even inadvisable) - just a one hour walk with a dog or shopping by bicycle instead of car. Then not only do we lose weight, but we also model the silhouette straight away!

Other 1500 calorie diets 

1500 calorie diet with fiber

The proposed diet is rich in fiber, which is a real miracle worker. It takes care of our digestive system and helps us lose weight and get the figure of our dreams. The role of fiber in digestion is invaluable. The diet is based on cereal products, vegetables and fruits that contain large amounts of fiber. 
Fiber helps you lose weight - it absorbs water so it swells and fills the stomach, reducing the feeling of hunger and delaying the time when food leaves the stomach. It facilitates regular bowel movements.

DURATION: 8 days.

CAN BE REPEATED: once a month.
LOOSE: 1.5 kg in 8 days.
NOT ADVISABLE FOR: children, growing teenagers, pregnant women and nursing mothers. 
SPECIALLY rich in: fibre, protein, vitamin C, B vitamins, vitamin PP, vitamin E and beta-carotene.

The 1500 calorie anti-stress diet

The anti-stress diet is designed for both men and women. By following the diet, you will easily and pleasantly replenish the deficiencies of valuable components in your body. 

Dietary principles:

The diet is designed to strengthen the body and remove excess stress. Above all, it is rich in natural food components that will replenish stress-induced deficiencies. The diet contains significant amounts of B vitamins, mainly vitamins: B1 and B6. Their deficiencies, in fact, may aggravate already existing disorders in the functioning of the nervous system. 

Vitamin B6 also enables the production of serotonin, which reduces nervous tension and improves mood. An important anti-stress ingredient in this diet is also magnesium, which improves your brain function. The diet provides an optimum amount of protein, and sources of energy, are mostly whole-grain rices, pasta, which keep blood sugar levels stable and provide a better mood.

Products excluded from the diet:
  • strong tea and coffee, cigarettes and heavy alcohol 
  • high amounts of fibre and calcium, which can reduce magnesium absorption 
  • carbonated and artificially sweetened drinks 
  • a large proportion of alkaline products 
  • fatty, highly digestible products (fatty cheeses, meats, cold cuts) 
Dietary restrictions:

The anti-stress diet is one of the moderate energy deficit diets, so it is feasible for a wider group of people. Like any calorie-restricted diet, this one is also not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, or for people who, due to poor health, should not undergo any treatments. The diet is particularly recommended for people who are exposed to high levels of stress and who abuse strong coffee and tea. 

Additional guidance:

Drink about 1.5 litres of still water a day 
Avoid all ready-made condiments. Instead, add fresh herbs to your meals and drizzle them with olive oil or fresh lemon juice 
Eat regularly and don't skip a meal 
Try to spend a lot of time outdoors, oxygenating your brain and distancing you from everyday problems 
Avoid frying your food 
Eat while chewing slowly and thoroughly 
Try not to eat at bedtime, it is better for you to have your last meal at least 3 hours before you go to bed.


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