Cleaning baths to help you lose weight

Lose weight cleaning baths

Help your body to get rid of deposits and toxins, because they are the ones that slow down metabolism and make it harder and more difficult to lose weight.

Cleansing bath with ginger

You can prepare your bath with fresh or powdered ginger. Prepare 1.5-2 l of water. Add 4-5 spoons of ginger to her. Cover the cooker with a lid. Leave to burn for 30 minutes. Pour the infusion into the bath tub. Pour in warm water.

The bath should last 20 minutes.

Cleansing bath with Epsom salt

It is a bitter or English salt, i. e. magnesium sulphate (to be bought in a pharmacy). Pour 2 glasses of Epsom salt into the warm water bath and rest for 15-20 minutes. For greater effect you can add your favourite essential oil, e. g. orange. Such a bath not only sweeps, but also relaxes perfectly and facilitates falling asleep.

Cleansing bath with pine trees

1/2 kg of fresh pine needles (you will take them on a walk in the forest) rinse out and pour 2 litres of water into an enamelled pot. Cook them on low heat for about 5 minutes under cover. Set aside for half an hour. Then pass and pour the liquid into the bath. Fill up with water.

Relax for 15 minutes in the bath.

Cleaning bath with juniper

A handful of juniper berries flooded in a pot with 2 litres of cold water. Heat on a low heat without bringing to the boil. Cook for 5 minutes. Leave it to stand and brew for 10 minutes. Keep coming back. Pour the decoction into the bath tub.  Make up the heat with water.

Rest in water for 10-15 minutes. The bath also has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect on the joints.

Cleansing bath with lemon oil

You can buy lemon oil in a drugstore or supermarket. Add 5-8 drops to the bath and rest for 10 minutes. The water in the bath must be well warm (37-40 °C) to allow the oil to penetrate into the softened skin.

Cleaning bath with cinnamon

Cinnamon spoon with two litres of cold water, add 10 cloves. Cook for about 10 minutes on a low heat. Keep coming back. Pour into the bath, top up with water. Caps up to 15 minutes.

This bath also reduces acne.

Cleansing bath witch apple vinegar 

Fill the heat bath with water and add two glasses of apple vinegar. Rest in the bath for 10-15 minutes. Then wash your entire body with a cleaner or sponge together with your face. Rinse the body with cool water after bathing.


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