Chronic constipation treatment
How to deal with chronic constipations?
Constipation is an embarrassing and troublesome problem. We can talk about constipations when we leave less than once every two days. If this is the case, we should start treatment. At the beginning, it is worth identifying the reason that causes our problems.What causes constipation?
The constipation can be caused by the drugs we take, diseases such as cancer, diabetes, urine, endocrine problems, multiple sclerosis, hypothyroidism, neopathy. An important cause of our problems may be an incorrect diet, poor nutrition.It often happens that constipation occurs in obese people, who like to eat a lot in the evening especially It is worth eating less and more often and use very little animal fats in the diet and eat more vegetables and fruit. Our diet should be supplemented with fiber, which regulates the functioning of the digestive system, facilitates and is therefore necessary for the body.
Constipation can be a result of pregnancy, because during this time the amount of progesterone increases in a woman and the growing uterus is oppressed on our intestines. Often, pregnant women often turn to a doctor who cannot use pharmaceuticals.
Fibre can then be used, which is a completely natural way and does not harm the health of the child. Drinking a lot of water is beneficial to our body. This should be remembered especially when we have problems with constipation. Water will cleanse the body and make it easier to defecate. Lemon or honey may be added to it.
Poor constipation problems can be experienced by people who, for professional reasons, lead a "sedentary lifestyle" for most of the day or are after surgery. Doctors recommend that you move as much as possible, play sports, exercise, walk and exercise. Regularity is important, consistency in exercises to get rid of our problems.
Laxative to constipate
Some people think it is best to use a laxative to constipate and thus quickly get rid of the problems. However, it is worth taking into account the negative effects of pharmaceuticals, which are not based on natural substances because they can harm our health rather than help.Especially in women, sometimes so-called habitual constipation occurs. They are not caused by illness, but by ignoring the feeling of pushing on the stool. So let us take notice of this when we lie over the cause of our troublesome ailments. It is essential for our health to remember about drinking two litres of water every day to cleanse our body and get rid of constipations. Fooding plums, brans, groats can also help.
Fibre for constipation
Constipation can be embarrassing for some people and therefore they do not want to go to a doctor. Instead, if you want to get rid of a nuisance, you can use fiber as a supplement to your diet. If your constipations are caused by excessive dietary weight, you will not feel hungry so much.
Fibre has such a characteristic that it absorbs water and thus swells in the stomach and is more saturating. Another excellent feature is the increase in the frequency of peristaltic intestinal movements. This is especially beneficial for people who have irritable bowel syndrome or so-called lazy intestines. The main symptom of this disease is constipation and dietary fiber can effectively help in the problem.
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