Can you get rid of cellulite?
Cellulite - why is it created and how to fight it?
Does not die of cellulite, which is why many people consider it to be a trivial phenomenon. However, for many ladies it is a cause of great discomfort, and they would have a lot to get rid of it. Well - for reasons not fully understood, cellulite attacks almost exclusively women.How cellulite is formed?
Men seem to be free from this condition. Interestingly, ladies with white skin colour are most at risk, but it is not known whether this is a genetic dependence or the result of another lifestyle in this population.In general, little is known about the causes and mechanisms underlying this phenomenon. There are several theories on this. One says that the cause of orange peel is the specifically arranged connective tissue septum in the subcutaneous fatty tissue.
In women, they are arranged perpendicularly to the skin surface and when they are stretched by the growing fatty cells (adipocytes) they begin to form hills and holes on the surface of the body coatings.
Another theory is that the responsibility for this condition lies with changes in blood circulation (and lymphatic circulation) within the smallest blood vessels (Italian). In these vessels, seepage of a part of the fluid outside the blood vessel into the intercellular space occurs.
When too much fluid percolates, hydrostatic pressure increases in the intercellular spaces (especially when the lymph outflow is insufficient due to a sedentary lifestyle or tight clothing). It can tear the scales of adipose tissue, stressing connective tissue barriers.
The latter tend to thicken and shorten as a result of stretching. As a result, subcutaneous fatty tissue becomes highly fibrous. As you can see, of these two most popular theories, cellulite is not caused by overweight or obesity (as many people think).
However, overweight usually increases the scale of symptoms. This is because the fat build-up in the scalp of the subcutaneous tissue causes the fat to smash and cause it to penetrate the skin above it. However, slim people with a high physical activity may also have orange peel.
How to fight cellulite?
To date, no fully effective method has been developed to address this problem. The methods used depend on the type of cellulite and it is always necessary to use several different techniques. Obese or overweight people should try to get rid of unnecessary fat. This is the first step, but not the only one.
Massages are a valuable method in the fight against orange peel. Endermology is particularly recommended, i. e. vacuum massage. The skin is sucked in by the tip of the machine and simultaneously massaged by rotating rollers. This is particularly important in the case of edema cellulite, where the basis of changes is fluid stagnation in fatty tissue.
In this case, excess fluid is discharged through a forced lymphatic flow. However, also people with fat cellulite will benefit from this massage: it stimulates the release of fat from adipocytes, which leads to a decrease in the volume of tears. People with oedema cellulite can also benefit from the so-called "oedema". lymphatic drainage.
Apart from massage, there are also anti-cellulite dietary supplements (usually containing extracts of various plants, caffeine) and cosmetics. The latter may contain compounds acting on many different processes within the skin and subcutaneous tissue: they stimulate the release of fat from adipocytes (caffeine, theophilin), reduce permeability of capillary vessels (ASE, ginkgo bilbia) and regulate the metabolism of connective tissue (silicon, vitamin c).
It is also important not to forget about a healthy diet, e. g. diet. You have to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits (even because of the fibre content, which prevents constipation, which improves blood circulation in the lower parts of the body). Physical activity is also recommended - skeletal muscle spasms pump the lymph, which makes it easier to remove fluid from the subcutaneous tissue of thighs and hips.
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