Atherosclerosis test
Test for atherosclerosis
This disease develops over the years and does not cause symptoms for a long time. The first signal can be an easy fatigue, breathlessness and physical effort (e. g. when climbing stairs). This is the state of affairs that you usually blame for, but the reason is sometimes atherosclerosis. You should also be disappointed with the problems of concentration or memory and calf pain after a recreational walk.
Caution! The most important thing in the fight against atherosclerosis is of course the purification of blood vessels from excess cholesterol and preventing the accumulation of new blood vessels and thus the formation of atherosclerosis.
Test: can you have atherosclerosis?
1. Are you over 55 years of age? YES NO
2. tests show that you have LDL or triglyceride cholesterol levels above the standard?YES NO
3. Do you have hypertension or diabetes? YES NO
4. Do you smoke cigarettes? YES NO
5. Do you have a sedentary lifestyle, little movement?YES NO
6. Are you overweight or obese? YES NO
Caution! If you have answered YES to two or more questions, this means that you are atherosclerosis risk group or the disease is already developing.
How to stop atherosclerosis?
1. Change bad fat to good
Animal fat contains saturated fatty acids, which cause cholesterol to build up in the vessels. Eat lean meat such as veal, peeled poultry (cholesterol bomb), lean meats.
Caution! Avoid offal, pâtés and meat canned food. Instead of frying the meat, cook it in water or steaming, roasting and cooking.
The fish are eaten at least twice a week, especially at sea (e. g. cod, salmon). They are a source of beneficial omega-3 fatty acids, which inhibit the development of already existing atherosclerosis plaques and prevent the formation of new ones.
Oils: olive oil, rapeseed oil, linseed oil, flax oil, walnut oil are good sources of omega-3 acids. for salads, for bread instead of butter. You can also add a spoon of oil to the soup (already on a plate) instead of cream.
Avocado: it is a good source of fatty acids. Eating one avocado per day can significantly reduce the cholesterol level in the blood. Use it instead of butter, mayonnaise or cream for sandwiches, salads or sauces.
Caution! Avocado also contains a lot of vitamin K, which increases blood clotting. Therefore, people with a tendency to thrombosis should eat it from a reasonable amount.
Garlic extract: cut 30 peeled garlic cloves into the pulp, add 1/2 kg of lemon juice and mix thoroughly. Pour over jars, store in a refrigerator. Drink twice a day after a tablespoon, one hour before the meal.
Onion wine: Cut and crush 300 g of onion (e. g. potato pestle), add 100 g of honey and 750 ml of dry white wine. Mix and macerate thoroughly for 4-5 days. Then, go and drink 2 tablespoonpoons twice a day.
Onions also help to clean the blood from excess cholesterol.
Caution! Even 1/2 kg of onions eaten daily reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and increases the concentration of good by 30%. It is best to chop and salty her, and when she gets sore, eat.
Herbs in the fight against atherosclerosis
Plantago psyllium brew: 2 spoonfuls of seeds covered with a glass of boiling water and steam under cover of approx. 15 minutes. Cross and drink twice a day. The treatment should last for two months.
Artichoke leaf infusion: a spoonful of dried herbs pouring boiling water over a glass of boiling water and steam about 2.5 billion pounds of water. 15 minutes. Drink 1-2 times a day. It contains cinin, which regulates the fat metabolism and can reduce cholesterol levels by up to 60%.
Wild rose brew: 2 tablespoons of dried fruit covered with a litre of cold water. Cook under a cover for about 5 minutes. Keep walking, studying and drinking 2-3 times a day. Wild rose is a rich source of antioxidants, especially vitamin C, strengthening blood vessels.
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