Fats in diet

Healthy fats

Is fat can be healthy? Yes of course! We just have to remember that in our diet were valuable fats, or those that are a rich source of essential fatty acids (in short: EFA), because that's what they positively affect our body.

Many of us fat is associated with unhealthy diet and heavy dishes that do not affect good nor our health, nor the weight of our body. But you have to remember that fat is an essential nutrient that plays many important functions in the proper functioning of the body and we can not eliminate it from our menu. Because fats differ, it is important to choose what their type. Experts argue that you have to choose fats, which are rich sources of essential fatty acids (EFAs).

EFA acids that are not produced in the human body and must be supplied with food. The best known are the omega-3 and omega-6. In many countries the intake of omega-3 is too low and increasing consumption of foods rich in them would be very beneficial. Omega - 3 are essential for the proper functioning of our body and are responsible for many important functions, deciding on the proper course of various vital processes.

Support the work of the heart and circulatory system function.

Omega-3 and omega-6 contributes positively to the increase in the level of "good cholesterol" (HDL) cholesterol, while lowering levels of "bad cholesterol" (LDH). Thereby protecting our veins and arteries from atherosclerosis and reduce the risk of various diseases of the circulatory system. Consuming omega fatty acids, especially omega-3, protect the heart against heart attack and provide him proper functioning.

Enhance the development of children and infants

ALA (omega-3) and LA (omega-6) are a very important part of the diet early as affecting their normal growth and development. According to the recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO) fats should provide approx. 30-45% of energy demand-clock child. LA, linoleic acids (omega-6) and alpha-linolenic ALA (Omega 3) belonging to the EFAs, perfectly fulfill this role while assisting in the proper functioning of the brain and the eyes.

A positive effect on beauty

EFAs are involved in the absorption and transport of vitamins which favorably affect the condition of our skin, hair and nails. For example: vitamin E - called the vitamin youth that protects against oxidative stress responsible for accelerating the aging process of the skin (due to the weakening of cell structures skin becomes more susceptible to damage, desiccation, wrinkles and various types of imperfections). EFAs also help in the transport of provitamin A (beta-carotene hereinafter), and vitamin K, which helps maintain healthy bones.

Where to find EFAs?

A rich source of essential fatty acids is rapeseed oil, which a small portion (only 2 tablespoons per day) can cover the needs of human physiological ALA omega-3. Rapeseed oil is a rich source of omega-3 because it contains up to 10%. But not only that determines its pro-health. In the case of essential fatty acids it is also important proportions.

The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 in the diet should not exceed 4: 1. The rapeseed oil is a 2: 1, from the point of view of the human nutrition is great. The oil is called as the midnight oil has almost the same amount of oleic acid (omega-9) as oil. In contrast, addition exceeds the oil through the omega-3 content (it contains 10 times more). It can be successfully used in the kitchen for frying, baking and raw as an ingredient in sauces or salads.

Accordingly, to include in our diet healthy fats, should reach for canola oil!


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