Asthma Test
Asthma control test
In the treatment of asthma we seek to eliminate the problems associated with it (the attacks of dyspnoea, cough), and minimize the use of fast-acting bronchodilator drugs. Achieving this state is referred to as full control of the disease. In a patient with the optimal control of the disease should not appear at all bothersome symptoms: cough, shortness of breath at night and in the morning, shortness of breath after exercise.We invite you to familiarize yourself with our test and answer the questions. With the result of this test, each patient should report on a visit to the doctor allergist.
Please select one answer for each question (score for each response, and the result arises after counting points).
1. How often in the last four weeks asthma prevented you from performing normal activities at work / school / home?
Always (1 point)
Very common (2 points)
Sometimes (3 points)
Rare (4 points)
All (5 points)
2. How often during the last four weeks had shortness of breath?
More than once a day (1 point)
Once a day (2 points)
3 to 6 times a week (3 points)
1 or 2 times a week (4 points)
All (5 points)
3. How often during the last 4 weeks, you inspired at night or in the morning, earlier than usual, because of the symptoms associated with asthma (eg. Wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, tightness or pain in the chest)
4 nights a week or more (1 point)
2-3 nights a week (2 points)
1 once a week (3 points)
1-2 times a week (4 points)
All (5 points)
4. How often during the past 4 weeks, you used the ad-hoc fast-acting inhalation medicine?
3 times a day or more (1 point)
1 or 2 times per day (2 points)
2-3 times a week (3 points)
1 once a week or less (4 points)
All (5 points)
5. How would you rate your asthma control during the past 4 weeks?
In general, uncontrolled (1 point)
Poorly controlled (2 points)
Moderately controlled (3 points)
Well controlled (4 points)
Please summing their results
- The number of 25 - CONGRATULATIONS !!!!
In the last four weeks the disease was under control. There were no signs of asthma or any difficulties in everyday life due to disease. If this situation will change in the next four weeks, you should contact your doctor.
- Number of points: 20-24 - a satisfactory result!
In the last four weeks asthma was well controlled at you, but it was not full control. Your doctor can help you achieve the goal of full control asthma.
- Number of points: below 20 - an unsatisfactory result!
In the last four weeks your asthma was not adequately controlled, your doctor may order appropriate treatment to control your disease was higher.
Silent killer - asthma
It manifests itself most often paroxysmal coughing, wheezing due to bronchospasm. Asthma - a disease otherwise known as bronchial asthma, in which the muscles encircling the bronchioles shrink, causing narrowing of the airways, obstructing air flow.
Asthma is one of the most common diseases in the world. World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that suffer from it 100-150 million people. Asthma is also the cause of over 180,000 deaths and one of the few chronic diseases whose mortality rate is increasing alarmingly.
Asthma cause of death Marshal Bernard?
Probably the asthma attack was the cause of death motorboat world champion of 2003, Marshal Bernard - Bernard told his mother, Christine Marshal. Boater's famous son, Waldemar died on Monday evening. Marshal Bernard walked in the footsteps of his highly successful father. In 2003, he became the world champion in the 350 cm class motorboat. He was also runner-up of Europe in this class (2002 year). In 2004, while M had a serious accident, as a result of which he suffered a back injury. Last year, he returned to the races. He was 31 years, was a bachelor.
Facts and figures
Asthma is one of the most common diseases in developed countries - in Europe, the US and Japan.
Asthma is associated with significant social costs, as well as economic. The costs of asthma can be divided into: direct (eg. hospital stays, visits to emergency medical assistance, salaries of medical staff, patient transport, drugs, the drug delivery device, diagnostic tests, science and education), indirect (eg. The inability to work and abandoned school days, the payment of sickness benefits, rides to the doctor, deaths) and intangible (eg. the suffering of patients).
Asthma is the fourth leading cause of absence from work. Every third asthmatic been within the last three months on sick from the disease. Two out of three patients with asthma have signs and symptoms of the disease, at least two or three times a week. Two in five - feel them every day. So let's carry out a broad educational campaign about the dangerous chronic disease.
Asthma is a huge problem in children of school age. Untreated and undiagnosed disease is associated with serious health consequences and economic costs. This condition is a common cause of school absenteeism, learning difficulties and degradation and deterioration of the economic situation of families.
Asthma - do you know what you threatened?
The effects of inadequate treatment of asthma are huge for both the patient and society. Although the number of patients with severe asthma was significantly lower than patients with mild asthma, but the costs associated with the treatment of the first group are much higher. This is particularly the costs of hospitalization. Social and economic costs can be significantly reduced by properly conducted prevention of asthma and carefully chosen treatments.
What damage causes chronic inflammation in the bronchi?
Under the influence of chronic tubular bronchial smooth muscle hypertrophy occurs, which grow "inwardly", less light airways. Under the bronchial epithelium and fibrous collagen accumulates, pogrubiajÄ…cy walls and increases the number called. goblet cells that produce a thick and viscous, forming pivots bronchial mucus. This process leads to destruction (shedding) of ciliated epithelium which is responsible for clearing the airways.
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