Protein food sources

What is high in protein?

To turn on your diet lean meat, poultry, fish, legumes, eggs and nuts, which provide you with high amounts of protein, iron, zinc, vitamin B12 and PP.

Full-bodied red meat (eg. Beef, horse meat, pork loin) eat only a few times a month. Bet on poultry, eggs, nuts and legumes.

Note! An adult should consume 1-2 servings of meat or a substitute every day.

How much is a serving of meat or a substitute?

Serving of meat or meat substitute is:

  • chicken leg;
  • medium-sized chicken breast fillet (approx. 100 grams);
  • half a cup of ground beef;
  • 2 slices of roast meat;
  • medium-sized fish fillet (approx. 100 grams);
  • 2 small eggs;
  • ¾ cup cooked lentils, beans, chickpeas;
  • ⅓ cup of nuts such .: peanuts, almonds. 

How to plan your meals?

When planning your meals:

Buy lean meat and trim all visible fat on him. .

Products recommended:

  • lean meat: veal, rabbit, chicken, turkey (peel the skin!).
  • lean meats: ham, beef, poultry.
  • lean fish: cod, pollock, flounder, hake.
  • soft-boiled eggs.
  • tuna in gravy.
  • from time to time you can afford to sausages, poultry, beef, skim, chicken pate.

Avoid the use of these products:

  • fatty cuts of meat: pork, mutton, offal, geese, ducks.
  • fatty meats: salami, bacon, ham.
  • brawn, canned meat.
  • fatty fish: eel, salmon, carp, herring.
  • tuna fish oil.

Vegetables should be half the contents of your plate - do not think of meat as the main product of your day.
Note! Instead, choose fish meat. Eat them in different ways in various meals (for example. Filet as tuna cans, in addition to or instead of salad spaghetti meat.

Once a week, eat a dish based on beans, peas, lentils (it can be, for example. Soup, sauce with beans or pie with lentils). Also taste great dumplings (instead of meat).

Note! Over time, these foods should be more likely to host on your table.

Examples of products containing protein

Fat - meat, salmon, eggs, peanut butter, milk, cheese.

Lean - tuna, egg white, red beans, skimmed milk, lean cheese.


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