The effects of high cholesterol - how to avoid them?

High levels of blood cholesterol

Most people over 35-years-old have elevated levels of cholesterol in the blood. With small values, you can easily remedy. People with elevated blood cholesterol should restrict eating fatty foods, junk food, do not smoke and get moving, because excess cholesterol clogs arteries, and this can lead to heart attack or stroke.

It should also be noted that excess cholesterol can cause problems with the achievement of excitement by women and men may have erection problems. This was caused by atherosclerotic plaques in the walls of arteries, which reduces blood flow to the corpora cavernosa.

Flaxseed helps men in lowering cholesterol

According to research flaxseed lowers cholesterol in men by 10%. So let's add about 3 tablespoons of ground flaxseed to foods. This treatment will bring visible results after only three months.

In patients with moderately elevated cholesterol levels in the blood should be implemented into your diet artichokes. Extract of artichoke, used regularly lowers cholesterol. Artichoke further comprise beneficial to our health antioxidants.

In the fight against high cholesterol also helps myrrh. The study showed that myrrh added to the feed laboratory rats with high cholesterol - resulted in a decrease levels of bad LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. Mirr also acts bactericidal.

Very exercise on the cardiovascular system works with sea buckthorn juice, which contains unsaturated fatty acids and plant sterols. They inhibit the absorption of bad LDL cholesterol. The plant is also a source of antioxidants to lower cholesterol and prevents clogging of the arteries.

Professor Bruce Griffin ( University of Surrey ) argues that the eggs, which contain valuable nutrients (such as essential amino acids are not produced by the body ) should be a component of a healthy diet.

However, should exercise restraint in their food.


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