Natural treatment for liver Part 1

Major herbs used in the treatment of liver

Broadleaf plantain

It is a perennial that grows along roadsides, in addition to homes, the grazing by cattle pastures, considered a weed everywhere companion to man. Do not create a large habitat, but rather grows rare tufts. Broadleaf plantain is present today in all parts of the world, with the exception of the Far North, the mountains above 1800 m asl and southern deserts.

Next broadleaf angustifolia used since ancient times in folk medicine and appreciated to this day as a means of treating infections of the respiratory tract, hoarseness, asthma, bronchitis. Broadleaf plantain cleans the blood, cure gout, liver pain, jaundice, inflammation of the bladder and digestive organs (diarrhea, poor digestion, gastritis, inflammation of the intestines).

The infusion of plantain leaves broad:

60-80 gr per 1 liter of water.

a great rinse the mouth and throat and wash the head, particularly for people suffering from dandruff and seborrhea.

Young leaves of plantain with the addition of young nettle leaves are used for salad when called. spring treatment.

For personal use young leaves should be collected in april, preferably immediately after the rains, and dry in a shady, well-ventilated place.

     Caution! The greatest value of fresh plantain leaves are broad.

In the treatment of liver herb plantain broad anti-inflammatory, analgesic and healing. Leaves in the form of fresh and dried are used in chronic disorders of the liver.

Preparation: Typically used to treat infusion of dried plantain leaves broad - 1 tablespoon to 1 cup of boiling water. If we want to use raw freshly harvested, then use 1 teaspoon of finely chopped raw in one cup boiling water.


It is an annual plant of the family Umbelliferae with a very specific smell. In folk medicine used in the fruit and oil of them stamped. It is also known as ground spice, especially in the confectionery industry and alcohol. It is one of the oldest cultivated plants. For information about anise get in Dioscorides, in the Old Testament, as well as in later authors (Pliny, Columella, Celsus, Avicenna).

Burnet plants belonged to a respected Middle Ages and was carefully cultivated in monastery closes. Hildegard and Saint Albert the Great had anise as "a unique gift of God" who gives joy and appetite. In the sixteenth and seventeenth century it was grown on an industrial scale in Poland (around Pinczów) and exported to Western Europe.

The main ingredient here is oil, which has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and expectorant. Along with other bulking agents anise oil has a mild laxative effect.

The medicine is used to this day as a measure to regulate digestive activity. The success is also used to treat liver ailments, accompanied by pain and contractions of the organ.

Anise herb should be given in the form of tea:

     1 teaspoon of coffee seed in one liter of water.

     Caution! It can not be administered by intestinal colic combined with irritation of the mucous membranes. Do not apply directly to infants. An infusion of the seeds should drink a breastfeeding mother, and then the active substances pass into milk.

Anise Seeds should be administered as an infusion of the seeds:

     1 teaspoon of coffee seed in one liter of water, grated or powdered seeds with honey.

Barberry ordinary

Vegetation occurring in forests and thickets. The abode is a shrub hedge.

     Caution! Barberry can not be planted near the cereal crops because of its leaves growing parasitic fungus that causes the blight.

Most collected bark of the roots and fruit of barberry, but also applies medicine list. We now know that the most important alkaloid contained in berberysie is berberine. It is a matter of taste bitter and astringent-yellow color, which has significant physiological effects on the human body.

The symptoms of liver, biliary stones given a decoction of the bark or whole roots of barberry:

     1 teaspoon of finely powdered bark in 1 cup of boiling water in an amount of 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

     Caution! Due to the fact that barberry is a fairly potent agent, do not exceed a dose of 1 teaspoon of bark in the brew day.

White birch

It is commonly found in Poland tree. Used medicinally are the leaves of white birch trees with buds that are harvested just after development when they are still sticky. But leaves a very valuable medicinal raw material is birch sap that pulls the trees before developing buds, and containing readily available potassium, calcium, magnesium and silica.

Prepared from the leaves and buds of birch have cholagogue, diuretic and disinfectant. They are used as a medicament providing the body with valuable minerals, as well as acting in inflammation therapeutically gallbladder and bile ducts.

In patients treated with infusion of the leaves and buds of birch improves the general condition quickly, disappear pain, vomiting, decrease in liver size in the case of the enlargement.

In diseases of the liver as a choleretic drug is used a decoction of birch buds:

1 tablespoon per cup of boiling water, simmer for 10 minutes. Take 1 tablespoon of decoction 3-4 times a day before meals.

Infusion of birch leaves:

     2 tablespoons to 1 cup of boiling water - is used in the stones in the gall bladder.

Take 2 tablespoons of infusion 3-4 times a day.

Pedunculate oak

Used medicinally is here bark, leaves and acorns of the long-lived tree.

Preparations of bark, leaves and acorns are used internally by the liver pain.

     Caution! Due to irritant compounds (especially in the cortex), follow the appropriate dosage, because it can cause painful intestinal cramps.

Safety is a decoction of oak bark:

     50 g of the bark at 1.5 1 of water, boil 30 minutes, which should drink 3-4 times a day, 1 table spoon. Instead, the bark can be used 80 g of oak leaves, prepared and used similarly.

Common juniper

Evergreen, popular in Poland shrub reaching a height of 3-4m. It grows in forest clearings and happy on wasteland. In folk medicine used juniper berries, which are harvested after the first frost.

A decoction of juniper berries with milk is praised as an effective treatment for gall stones.

Tincture of juniper berries: a handful of crushed berries steeped in 0.75 1 of dry wine and left for 14 days;

Fourteen is used to cure diseases of the liver, gall stones, because cleanses the body of all kinds of mucous substances.

Rowan common

It is a tree that can reach a height of 4-25 trunk covered with smooth grayish bark. White flowers with the scent of bitter almonds. Fruits blood-red or yellowish-red in the shape of tiny apple. Flowers in June, fruits ripen in October, and are able to be used after the first frost, because they lose bitterness. It grows most often in the company of oak. Rowan occupies a happy way.

Folk medicine uses rowan fruit because they contain a lot of vitamin C, sugar, organic acids, fat and oil seeds.

As a mild but effective drug in liver ailments and gallbladder used an infusion of rowan fruit:

     1 tablespoon of fruit to 1 cup of boiling water, allow to stand for 4 hours cover - use the small cup 2-3 times a day.


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