For better digestion

Perfect digestion in 4 steps

First things first - do a little experiment?

ONCE Read that sentence, close your eyes and imagine your house.

Easy, is not it? Most people are familiar with your home pretty, pretty.

Do you know more or less where things are: furniture, paintings, storage, equipment. You know how to keep it clean: dust-resistant, wash, washing, sweeping.

Do you know how to do minor repairs: replace the faucet, paint the walls, put in a new window, or even renew an old table or chair, where she liked to sit grandmother.

But compare this big house where you live ... with a lower house in which you live - your own body - as here falls your knowledge? So many times I've heard of the pancreas - but do you know where it is located and what does the work for you?

Or duodenum - what it really is and how it connects to your stomach?

Speaking of the stomach, how much do you really know about the unusual journey, which leaves every single morsel that goes into your mouth?

Going from the beginning:

1 MOUTH. Language has about 10,000 taste buds that come to life when you take bite. While these are having a feast of flavors, teeth grind everything to smithereens, moisturize it with saliva, which then facilitate the work of the stomach.

2 STOMACH. Swallowed a bite goes esophagus and goes to the stomach. Here, combined with the acidic digestive juices and is converted to a creamy mixture - called. pulp food.

3 The small intestine. Liquid oral pulp enters the tiny hole in the stomach through the duodenum to the small intestine. Here there is a majority of the digestive process, which "draw" of the life-giving food nutrients. The work of the small intestine supports the pancreas, gallbladder and liver.

4 The large intestine. Components that have not been digested, end up here in the large intestine. It starts in the colon, where the assimilation of recent micronutrients. From now on everything that has been adopted is not suitable for food and is kept in the small plain, or rectum, in anticipation of the "crowning" of the trip.

Here's what to do to improve each of these four stages - so that way your food was quick and easy to deal with - for perfect digestion:

1 Chew each bite thoroughly. The stomach does not have teeth - ideally expected pogryzionego food. It's time. Two: The oral cavity is the initial digestion. It is the better, the better the food metastases.

Thus, enzymes digest the mouth to 80% carbohydrates, up to 15% fats, up to 5% of the proteins, reducing the weight of the stomach and other digestive organs, particularly the pancreas.

2 Do not drink after a meal. Dilute the digestive juices, thereby reducing their ability to break down the food.

3 Follow the rules of combination products. The most important: do not combine proteins and carbohydrates, as advised by Dr. William Howard Hay, a pioneer in nutrition separable.

4 To make sure that the "junk" - remains the digestive process - the time to leave your body 15 minutes before breakfast drink a glass fiber.

This simple ritual prevents the digestion and the formation of strong toxins and constipation.

If you love to clean the house in which you live - you'll love the cleanliness of the house in which you live.


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