How to treat fatty liver?

Fatty liver - treatment

Fatty liver is a disease that is not treated with medication. Here you need to fight obesity, sweets aside and focus on physical activity.

It is a disease, which promotes obesity, hypertension, type 2 diabetes and obesity.

     Note! Currently, fatty liver is detected even in teenage children.

     Remember! If you really care about this, to avoid the pain, you absolutely need to watch their weight.

Experts recommend a diet here, which are based on the glycemic index GI. The lower GI foods are eaten, the better. It is also worth to know about the fact that the same product can have different glycemic index.

For example, plain pasta is overcooked IG 55 and wholemeal al dente, cooked or boiled in half - only 40 The long-cooked carrot is IG 85, and severe - only 30

     Remember! This type of diet encourages healthy eating.

What is fatty liver?

Most all starts from simple fatty liver, but it increases in the volume of fat tissue, then there is a progressive liver tissue necrosis and inflammation.

     Remember! When patients do not do this, the organ fibrosis, and this results in cirrhosis of the liver. It is a condition that is difficult to reverse and can lead to liver cancer.

     Note! Increasingly, there are patients with cirrhosis of the liver, which is caused by obesity and steatosis.

Tests required for fatty liver

Necessary (this is the most important test) will be abdominal ultrasound, but the doctor should also have additional biochemical blood test, which aims to check the level of liver enzymes: ALT and AST s s. When they are elevated to the exclusion of hepatitis B and C - it will be a signal that already in steatohepatitis.

Is fatty liver is reversible?

Fortunately, the liver has the ability to regenerate itself. Just that the patient lifestyle changes and things should be back to normal.

Of course, this does not happen right away, but for example, in a few months no and provided it to dump the excess weight.

With regard to drugs, it is not the same fatty liver is no effective treatment.

     Remember! Very good results can only change modes of life, as well as to control body weight.

The patient needs to limit carbohydrates and fats, but about the best pastries forget. Well, you will need to exercise. This may be, for example walking, but not less than two, and preferably three times a week.

Pharmacology is used in alternative and turns to it when they are treated with co-morbidities (such as diabetes or hypertension).

What you have to remember with fatty liver?

The patient should avoid drinking cold drinks, because low temperature is the cause spasm of the blood vessels in the gut, which in turn reduces the secretion of bile.

It should reduce the amount of fat in the diet, because their digestion requires an increased secretion of bile and forces the liver to intensive work. Therefore, we give up the fatty meats and sausages, sauces and sweets with high fat content.

Use herbs instead of salt. Well affect the liver and support its work (eg thyme, marjoram, tarragon, saffron, rosemary, oregano and cumin.

It is worth to eat artichokes because they stimulate the secretion of bile and drink herbal tea with milk thistle - is herb, which strongly detoxifies the liver.

Eat slowly, chewing each bite thoroughly. It really is the liver.

     Remember! Do not abuse the-counter anti-inflammatory pills, because they charged too much liver, and this contributes to its damage.

What do not you like our liver?

First of all, alcohol, sweets and excess pounds.

That's why you need to watch out for:

     sugar, because excess promotes fatty liver (tea sweetened with honey rapeseed, which contains fructose, a substitute fresh fruit cakes);

     fatty liver promotes overweight and obesity (the most dangerous is obesity, ie. belly beer - waist over 94 inches in men and over 80 cm in women - it is no longer a cause for concern);

     excessive and prolonged alcohol destroys the liver, and the consequence of this is the steatosis and inflammation and cirrhosis, which is permanent and irreversible damage to the liver cells.

     Remember! The processing of alcohol acetaldehyde drains the liver.


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