Simple colon cleansing

As a simple way to clean the colon?

To cleanse the colon of toxins lingering, for 10-12 days follow a diet based on rice or millet. Eat only 3-4 times daily in any quantities cooked brown rice or millet.

When cooking rice or porridge portion every other day before the end of cooking add one or two chopped apples - let overcooked. For cooking rice, you can add spices such as cinnamon, marjoram, cumin or ginger. To one portion of rice a day, you can add a teaspoon of ground flaxseed.

Herbal Teas

During the colon cleansing diet rice can drink herbal teas such as mint, lemon balm, horsetail, cranberry, and wild rose, chamomile, linden and St. John's wort.

Coffee with pollen

During the treatment once a day you can have a coffee with pollen and honey.

Note! Especially at low pressure can quietly enjoy the coffee beverage.

Smaller portions

After treatment, diet rice enough to eat half of what jadałeś earlier, even so you will have more energy.

Note! It should also resort to herbal supplements to improve liver function (eg, milk thistle), kidneys and immune system.


For colon cleansing your body needs a greater supply of oxygen, which is moving in the fresh air to the food could be better digested.

Did you know ... that ...

"Products that contain a lot of fiber can greatly accelerate the return to a slim figure. Dietary fiber helps to cleanse the body because of intestinal toxins and residual gastric contents, which may be even a few pounds. "


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