How to treat constipation of irritable bowel syndrome?

Constipation form of irritable bowel syndrome

Everyone who suffers from irritable bowel syndrome knows how annoying it can be. It is not entirely known, what is the source of this disease and, consequently, effective forms of complete cure are not known.

However, this does not mean that the person diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome is left alone. Unless this syndrome can actually be cured, appropriate measures can be taken to minimise unpleasant ailments.

What form of irritable bowel syndrome?

First of all, it is necessary to determine whether we are dealing with constipation or diarrhoea of irritable bowel syndrome. How we deal with the problems depends on this very much.

Causes of constipation

It is not difficult to guess that the main cause of constipation is too little hydration of the body. We all seem to be aware that our body consists mainly of water. However, we forget this every day when we drink too few liquids. As a result, our body must draw water from every source available to it, i. e. (in this case) from digested digestive masses in the intestines. It sounds disgusting? And it also makes us start to suffer from constipation.

How to deal with constipation in the form of irritable bowel syndrome?

For this reason, the first step in dealing with constipation form of irritable bowel syndrome is to increase the amount of drunk liquids (preferably mineral water). Only when the body is sufficiently hydrated will they have a chance of disappearing.

Of course, in order to help the digestive system and thus eliminate annoying constipation - the amount of dietary fiber needs to be increased. And I will remind you once again - fiber literally swells in our digestive tract, absorbing water. If there is not enough fluid, fiber will not be able to support the intestinal function. So sooner or later everything always boils down to an appropriate level of hydration of the body.

What to eat for constipation?

Successful treatment depends on the correct diagnosis. The choice of food depends on what type of constipation we are dealing with. The most common are functional constipation, i.e. caused by impaired motility of the large intestine as a result of an incorrect diet.

This type of constipation can also be a side effect of regular intake of medications - painkillers, antidepressants, antihypertensives, acid reflux disease, agents against functional indigestion, as well as preparations rich in iron. What should we change in our menu then?

Remember that!

We eat differently. We choose wholegrain bread; we increase the amount of vegetables (with each meal); we choose thick groats more often; we drink fermented beverages, such as: kefir and yogurt containing live cultures of bacteria; we avoid chocolate, cocoa, sweets, eggs, white rice, processed food.

We move more. Starting with walking up the stairs instead of using the elevator, a few minutes of morning gymnastics every day, a walk of at least 30 minutes during the day.

We drink more water - it is recommended to drink still water at least 2-2.5 liters a day.

We take care of rest - that is, we find time to relax and sleep.

We do not abuse drugs, especially laxatives! They are very effective at first, but you can fall into a trap. Their long use accustoms the intestines to such support and the body loses the ability to defecate on its own.


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