Where to start losing weight?

Loosing weight - where to start?

Where to start losing weight? because before you start to improve your figure, you should be well prepared and have a clear plan of what you want to achieve and how you will achieve it?

I assume you already know what you want to achieve!

You can't have an approach at all:" I will start to exercise there, you may lose weight a little, or if it's not difficult". With such an approach, it will be hard to get started, and you'll probably never start. Secondly, even if you start, you will not take care of this professionally, so there won't be any results, so you will perfectly justify yourself that "I tried and failed".

Specifically, what do you want to achieve? lose weight? How many? 2kg or 22kg? or maybe have a beautiful athletic body? Setting a specific goal you want to achieve is essential!

Loosing weight: prepare yourself mentally for action

You have to set a specific deadline, but not on a "tomorrow's" basis, because it will be constantly moving tomorrow and you will never start.

The best way to determine, e. g. since Monday of the new month, why? For two reasons: First of all, you'll have plenty of time to plan the day in such a way that when you start, there's certainly nothing you can do.

Secondly, you have to get used to the idea that you are getting started in a while. You simply have to prepare for what you have planned. To do this, you should think about it all this time, that is,"I start in five days, four days, etc." Think also that you will eat differently, so that at some point it will become normal for you and when the day comes, you will simply start.

However, if you don't prepare yourself for this mentally, then when this day comes, it may happen that it's very easy for you to give up your intentions, because you will find that you didn't actually plan anything.

Truly, trust me, this way works!

Losing weight: knowledge is needed

If you already know what you want to achieve, you have a deadline when you start and you can't wait for it, you need yet another knowledge of how to achieve the goal.

Remember one thing. Many women believe that if they are overweight, it is enough for them to mobilize themselves for any kind of exercise and lean. Unfortunately, I say right away that they will not lose weight and it is a shame to the west.

For example If you want to learn how to play an instrument, is it enough to play it like it falls? It is not even possible to call this game, it is the same in this field. Lack of knowledge will not allow you to succeed.

This is why the very small percentage of people exercising are affected by any effects.

Be careful, there are people who do not want you to be successful.

These people include colleagues and you don't guess who else.

Did you have a situation in which you told your colleague that you want to start practicing or going on a diet? Most frequently it is:" Oh, I also, but in a month's time, after holidays, after birthdays, etc.". These are pointless excuses. It's supposed to start with you, so it's supposed to be more striking, but probably it's never going to start and you won't get it.

Usually it will be a great excuse for you,"a friend can't do it and I don't start, because we were supposed to start together". Remember, it is possible that a friend never wanted to start, for example. from laziness. By the way, however, it will be very effective in discouraging you from taking action, because it would be very difficult for her to admit to herself that you started and, in addition, you have achieved something else. In the meantime, she did not even have the strength to mobilize anything at all!

Did you know why your husband doesn't want his wife to lose weight? 

After all, what would he want to have an attractive wife? That is not exactly how it is. This is just one side of the coin, but unfortunately it is also a bit worse. Surely you noticed that when an attractive woman goes, almost all men look at her. Well, and do these men want them to watch th.eir wives?

Unfortunately not!

This is a very selfish approach, but it happens quite often. These are husbands, not all of them, of course, but a large majority. Why is this happening? Because our electorate likes to be lord of the situation, then he has peace of mind. He simply watches other women at ease, and he has a wife at his side, who put up after childbirth and takes care of crying children, usually he's not much interested in how you feel at the time, so change this situation and think about yourself! Nobody will do it for you.


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