Insomnia meditation

Meditation for insomnia

You are going to sleep, but sleep anyway as the anger does not want to come? Why not try meditation techniques? But one of the easiest techniques of relaxation.

is probably one of the most interesting methods for insomnia. It comes from Indian philosophy, but still a distant place of origin is available for each person.

The article discusses the coolest meditation techniques that anyone can try at home alone.

Breath control

Probably one of the easiest existing methods. It is based on controlling his breathing and clearing your mind of unnecessary worry.

Act according to the following steps:

1. Sit cross-legged in a quiet room on the floor.
2. Place your hands on your lap.
3. Close your eyes and Dispose of muscle tension.
4. Breathe in deeply through your nose.
5. Count all your breathing.

That's all. Follow the steps until you will not be able to get such a sense of relaxation that easily fall asleep in the evening.

Focusing on the subject

You need to choose an object on which you will be able to concentrate. I advise you to use a candle placed in a dark room. This combination promotes concentration and deep relaxation.

Act according to the following steps:

1. Sit cross-legged in a quiet room on the floor.
2. Place your hands on your lap.
3. Close your eyes and dispose of muscle tension.
4. Stabilize your breath.
5. Open your eyes and focus on their chosen subject.
6. Keep the focus as long as possible let any other thoughts drift away quietly.

And that's it. Follow the 10-15 minute session with this technique before going to sleep, and you will see how much easier it will keep you awake.


Trivial method that allows purification of the mind with frustrating thoughts. It easily obtain a state of relaxation, which promotes rapid onset of sleep.

Act by. the following steps:

1. Sit cross-legged in a quiet room on the floor.
2. Place your hands on your lap.
3. Close your eyes and dispose of muscle tension.
4. Stabilize your breath.
5. Start slowly ticking in my mind from 100 to 1.
6. When you finish one cycle, start counting again.

Repeat steps 5 and 6 until you know that it has reached an appropriate level of relaxation.


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