Apple Cleansing Diet

Treatment apple

Apple Cleansing treatment will allow you a few days to feel light and healthy. So eat an apple at every meal!

It is very tasty, yet very simple treatment that effectively cleanse and odkwasi your body, improve metabolism and provide you with many valuable vitamins and minerals.

I have one very important advantage ... :)

Using it does not feel hunger .... and yet to lose weight .... :)

Rules cleansing diet apple

1 Apples should be added to every meal, including stewed or baked savory dishes.

     Caution! Apples can not be subjected to heat treatment too long, because the long cooking or baking fruits lose too much valuable vitamins.

2 You have to drink a glass of water on an empty stomach with tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. This will enhance the cleaning effect of treatment.

3 Do not peel the apples with the skin, because that's what it is the most fiber and pectin (support detoxification and weight loss), and vitamin C and polyphenols (the antioxidants which strengthen blood vessels and prevent skin aging).

4 Chopped apples and salads should sprinkle with lemon juice because fruit will not darken and retain more valuable vitamins.

Apple Diet: Foods raw!

For lunch and afternoon snack is eaten apples or you can prepare instant snack:

Salad with two apples, four cherry tomatoes, arugula, 1 teaspoon of raisins, sprinkled with lemon juice;


Cocktail apple-parsley (2 apples mix with parsley with the addition of water);


Apple and Pear Mousse (2 mix apples with pears), sprinkled with 1 tablespoon of chopped toasted almonds or sesame seeds.

Diet Apple: light main meals

Breakfast, lunch and dinner should be formulated so that the apples were in the company :

    dairy products and lean meats, whole grains and vegetables.


    omelet with apple (1 grated apple and parched , the weight of two eggs , a spoon of olive oil) ;

    granola (5 chopped dried apple slices , 1 tablespoon of oatmeal and a teaspoon of raisins ) with 1 cup plain yogurt ;

    cup of cottage cheese mixed with 1 apple + 1grahamka uprażonym .


    baked rolls ( 2 thin slices of chicken breast stuffed with chopped apples , peppers and corn) ;

    cream soup ( cooked, mixed and seasoned with herbs : apple, two potatoes , a small leek, carrot ) ;

    veal with apples (20 grams of meat stewed with apples and herbs particles ) .


    Casserole with two stalks of celery , 1 apple , 1 carrot ( cut into small pieces and components to strangle a teaspoon of olive oil) ;

    casserole with cooked rice ( 1 cup ) mixed with grated apple and a pinch of cinnamon ;

    cooked millet ( half a cup ) mixed with particles of light poduszonymi apples and herbs.

Apple cider vinegar

You can prepare it yourself!

1 kg sour apples washed and cleaned with coring. Fruit cut into small pieces and mix with a teaspoon of honey and put into a jar. Pour 1 liter of boiled, cool water. Cover with a cloth and let stand for 4 weeks.

Strain, pour into a bottle.


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